


Attitude towards Protecting ICH


Respect the producer of ICH souvenir

Zhang & Tian (2016)

Luo et al. (2018)

Respect the culture of ICH

Safeguarding ICH is valuable

Perceived Problem


Cannot identify the quality

Kim & Littrell (2001)

Zhang & Tian (2016)

High price

Inconvenient to carry

Perceived Value


Educational value

Sheth (1991)

Bruce (2014)

Social value

Functional value

Relationship Support value

Customer Participation


Paid the physical strength and time

Ennew & Binks (1999)

Huang & Peng (2017)

Spent the wisdom

Communicated with artists

Purchase Intention


Be worth buying

Dodds (1991)

Liu et al. (2019)

Intend to purchase

Recommend to others

Pay for participating ICH activity