Boolean Screening Fields | True Sample | False Sample |
isSoil | sample has MATRIX “soil” or “solid” or another field (SAMPNUM, FIELDID, SAMPTYPE, SAMPMETHOD, SAMPNOTE) contains a substring like “soil” or “bore” or “boring” or “geoprobe” or “fill” or “postex” or “pile” | |
isSurfWater | All as of 08/19/2011 | |
isSed | has MATRIX “sediment” or if the substring “sed” in another field (SAMPNUM, FIELDID, SAMPTYPE, SAMPMETHOD, SAMPNOTE) or if ANLYS_MTHD indicates simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) or acid volatile sulfide (AVS) or a substring like “821*91-100” | |
isLeachate | some field in HZSAMPLE or HZRESULT mentions “leachate” or a method like Extraction Procedure Toxicity (EP-TOX, SW846 prep method 1310), Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP, SW846 prep method 1311), Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP, SW846 prep method 1312), or another prep method that extracts contaminants with water. “Leachate” may also refer to the liquid found within the liner of a landfill | |
isGW | contains “ground water” or if another field (SAMPNUM, FIELDID, SAMPTYPE, SAMPMETHOD, SAMPNOTE) mention a well (“well”, “mw”, “rw”, “tw”, a well purge method such as “lo*flo” or “vol”, a piezometer (“piez” or “pz”), a faucet (“faucet”, “spigot”, “tap”) a diffusion sampler (“diffusion bag”, “dialysis bag”, “passive diffusion bag”, “polyethylene diffusion bag”) PDB | |
isPotable | record contains evidence that the water tested is intended to be drinking water | |
isSGorIAorOA | ANLYS_MTHD mentions method TO-15 or TO-17 NJDEP LLTO-15 | |
isInfluent | “influent” or if “infl” appears in another field | |
isEffluent | SAMPTYPE is “effluent” or if “effl” appears in another field | |
isND | sample is none detected | |
isMS | created by the laboratory for quality assurance, such as a matrix spike (MS), a matrix spike duplicate (MSD), a blank spike (BS), blank spike duplicate (BSD), a lab control sample (LCS), or a continuing calibration verification sample (CCV) | |
isBlank | Sample is one created outside the lab to rule out cross contamination. Blanks can include a field blank (FB), a trip blank (TB), a storage blank, or a rinsate blank (RB) | |
isWaterMeth | ANLYS_MTHD describes a method that is specific to samples of drinking water or other water | |
isAir | All as of 08/19/2011 |