Makuch et al. (2011) [17]



Compare the efficacy of the artificial brushing model and individual modeling to teach correct brushing.

Quasi experimental

Amplified prototype dental arch, teeth model in the mouth of the animal puppet, practicing brushing in front of the mirror and adult demonstrating.

Differences were found among the four types of models. 75% of the children from the group with demonstration by an adult recognized the appropriate positioning and movements for brushing. A combination between assisted brushing and a simultaneous demonstration in front of a mirror showed to be the most effective approach.

Hogg et al. (2012) [18]

Estados Unidos


Determine whether an intensive post-school dance course and an education program and a lifestyle education program reduces the risk factors for cardiac illnesses, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and improves the lifestyle choices. Quasi experimental

Dance classes, interactive seminar.

The eating habits improved, with increases in the consumption of foods rich in calcium, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and reduction of soft drink intake. Physical exercise increased by 40%, the time spent watching TV and computer games by 30%, and both continued after six months. The results were maintained after six months of follow-up.

The study also showed a positive impact on the Body Mass Index and body composition among obese and overweight children.

Devault et al. (2009) [19]

Estados Unidos


Assess the impact of “It’s all about Kids” on knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to nutrition.


Class using hand’s on with fruits and vegetables, bingo, practical activities.

The knowledge on foods with higher fat contents improved, the attitudes towards the choice of healthy and less fatty foods changed positively. There was a trend to reduce the consumption of fatty milk.

Macnab & Kasangaki (2012) [20]



Assess the effect of an oral health program in a school that promotes health through different strategies for oral health promotion in children.


Audiovisual resources, music, games, practical demonstration, tooth model.

The frequency of teeth brushing improved, the use of inappropriate alternatives for toothpaste stopped (soap, ashes, carbon and sand). The children’s oral health considerably improved and they shared the knowledge with their parents and siblings. The teachers’ assessment demonstrated positive benefits of the school turning into a health promotion institution and included greater knowledge about health. A drop in the absence of students due to pain or emergency dental treatment was evidenced. The oral health model described offers simple.

Williams et al. (2012) [21]

Estados Unidos


Assess the effect of the Hip Hop Stroke, a multimedia musical, about cerebrovascular accident based on the school intervention in high-risk minority communities, in long-term learning of knowledge about

cerebrovascular accede nt. Quasi-experimental

Multimedia with music, cartoons, videogame, comics, theater and quiz.

And easily adoptable strategies to establish more health promotion schools.