R21 (sec−1)

Stimulated emission rate coefficient for transition from level 2 to 1 [24]

R26 (sec−1)

Stimulated emission rate coefficient for transition from level 2 to 6 [32]


Energy pooling collisions [11]

Kmn (cm3 sec−1)

Electron-atom collisional excitation or de-excitation between the states m and n [17]

Knc (cm3 sec−1)

Electron collisional ionization rate coefficient from any energy level (n) [6]

KRD (cm3 sec−1)

Radiative recombination rate coefficient to any energy level (n) [33]

Kcn (cm6 sec−1)

Three body recombination rate coefficient [33]

A21, Anm (n > m)

Einstein coefficient for the spontaneous emission from the resonance level (2 → 1) and transition from any level n > m (n → m) [34]

KAI1 and KAI2,

Associative ionization for the reactions (3p-3p) [15] , and (3p-3d) [16]


Hornbeck-Molnar ionization [35]


Penning ionization [29]

σ n c ( 1 )

Single-photon ionization cross section from any high energy level n [36]

σ 2 c ( 2 )

Two-photon ionization cross section from the saturated energy level (3P) [36]

σ PL

Laser-induced Penning ionization cross section [20]

K 4 d + Na 2

Triatomic associative ionization rate coefficient [1]