Variables | Sources | Availability |
PIBR (real GDP) | WEO DU FMI, CD ROM, World Bank indicators, 2015 | 1989 à 2015 |
EXPENDITURES | WEO DU FMI, CD ROM, World Bank indicators, 2015 | 1989 to 2010, data from 2010 to 2015 were supplemented by IMF reports Regional Economic Perspectives (October 2016) |
REVENUES | WEO DU FMI, CD ROM, World Bank indicators, 2015 | 1989 to 2010, data from 2010 to 2015 were supplemented by IMF reports Regional Economic Perspectives (October 2016) |
INTREST | WDI DU FMI Debt unit , CD ROM, World Bank indicators, 2015 | 1989 to 2014 |
DEBT | WEO DU FMI, CD ROM, World Bank indicators, 2015 | 2000 to 2015 |
PIBPOTENT (Potential GDP) | Tabulated based on real GDP using Hodrick-Prescot filter | 1989 to 2015 |
EP (Production Gap OU OUTPUT GAP) | Difference between RGDP and Potential GDP | 1989 to 2015 |