Recruitment phase

Research participant




companies with a larger volume of hiring may benefit from AI for recruitment planning


Recruitment planning requires a huge volume of business data to plan the future workforce with the market conditions changing which needs to reflect in the business, such data will not be available. That is why AI cannot be used to do any recruitment planning



most of these people don’t have resumes. And they are not on social media or on LinkedIn. They must be sourced through local references



The accuracy of this AI technology is 70% - 80% and we ended up hiring 8 - 9 people from every 10 people pre-selected by the AI technology. Based on the volume we managed it is impossible to achieve such good targets without AI being in place


I prefer to talk to the candidates to get a feeling about the candidate



You would not marry a person whom you did date online. Would you? You want to meet the person and know the person better before you select the person to get married to. The analogy is the same when it comes to hiring a person


We are hiring a person, and people have many attributes which are not comprehendible in data formats. It needs to be understood by human-based interactions, not through AI-based interactions. Furthermore, R12 added that “AI would not be able to do that,” and this rationale is linked to the inherent limitations of AI.


A candidate may give the right answer by using many words and takes ten minutes to answer a question which should only take 2 minutes. The answer may be correct but if the communication skills are good, it should not take 10 minutes to give the answer. I don’t assume AI is going to help with such situational-based complex assessments.


even if AI can handle all these complexities, I still prefer to select candidates through human interaction

Candidate engagement and communication


Candidate engagement is the first interaction a candidate has with the company. So that first interaction should not be with a tool.


“In executive-level recruitment, the majority of candidates are passive candidates. They are already employed in senior executive roles and require engagement through human connection rather than a mechanical approach using AI.”