Box: Programme’s admission categories and nutritional outcomes

Admission categories:

· New admission: A malnourished child admitted to the nutritional program for the first time

· Readmission: A child who is readmitted to the nutritional programme after being lost to follow-up for less than two months or having been transferred out to hospital.

· Relapse: A child who presents back to the nutritional programme with severe acute malnutrition within two months of discharge as cured.

Nutritional outcomes

· Cured: Attaining WHZ > −2 for two consecutive measurements, MUAC > 115 mm, absence of oedema or acute medical complications.

· Lost-to-follow up: Absent for more than two consecutive weeks from the community and the ATFC follow up visits.

· Left Kamrangichar: Caretaker informing the programme that the child will leave the slum and return back to the village.

· Non responder: Child not attaining the target weight after more than 90 days of treatment after exclusion of underlying medical and social conditions.

· Transferred to hospital: Referral needed to inpatient health care due to deterioration.

· Died: Died whilst registered in the programme.