Implication of typical relation structure

Representative quotations from interviewee

Typical relation structure:

Value co-creation

brand ← → brand stakeholders

Value co-creation is based on the prosumption activities.

A guest sent a message that she would stay this weekend. Chen Chi told her, “I shall go out this weekend, so you can open the password lock and lodge.”

The brand and brand stakeholders (especially prosumers) co-create value together.

If you become our landlord, then we can do a lot of work for you. According to Chen Chi, the staff of Xiaozhu can give a lot of suggestions by discussions with the landlord, for example, how to host a stranger, how to get along with a stranger, and how to show your care.

The value co-creation between the brand and stakeholders affects the brand value network based on prosumption loigc.

Citizens’ behavior has not been trained, so the obstacles still exist. There are legal issues. If these issues are not solved, many landlords still will face obstacles.

Value co-creation can be evaluated from four aspects: profit model, prosumption scale, efficiency and supply side development.

Didi develops from 800 thousand yuan to 100 billion in three years, becoming the world’s largest mobile travel platform. It is a typical representative in the sharing economy, the Internet innovation and the supply side reform.

There is a water wave effect in the process of value co-creation and brand value transmission. The interaction between the brand and brand stakeholders (especially prosumers) produces the value which continuously enlarges, passes and spreads like the water wave when a stone is thrown into the water.

Paul Graham once said, “(Let us) do a little thing which seems to be insignificant, but can promote the growth.”

We started to be a landlord. And it was very difficult … but in today, in some major cities, more landlords can actually know our business model from a lot of channels, and understand how the previous landlords to do this thing, what the experience is, and how to solve the problem.

Typical relation structure:

Brand ← → environment

The brand may be affected by economy, culture, politics, laws, demographics, science and technology, and natural environment. The brand has an active influence on the environment.

After two months of trial run, we have reduced the carbon emissions by hundreds of tons.

Through the use of real name, can promote the establishment of the entire social credit system.

Typical relation structure:

Environment ← → brand stakeholders

The brand profit may be affected by economy, culture, politics, laws, demographics, science and technology, and natural environment. The brand profit has an active role in the environment.

This Wednesday, thousands of London taxi drivers boycotted Uber in the streets … “The taxi industry is trying to maintain a monopoly position that is set up by the local government, and they hope to reduce the competition.”