
Role Positioning

Basic Functions


Elder care system designers

Social policy maker

Public financial supporter

Public elder services buyer

1. Institutional formulation and policy design

2. Financial and hardware (facilities) supports

3. Prove policies, to support multiple subjects to participate in the pension services

4. The purchase of community elder care of public services (fixed-point direct purchase, hosting, public welfare investment creation)

5. Organizing, managing and monitoring the elder care servers

Social Organization

(Including elder care institutions, elder server enterprises, & NGOs, etc.)

The operator of socialized elder care affairs

The performer of community elder server

1. Assume the day-to-day management of the social elder service affairs.

2. Provide professional services for elder people.

3. Supply public server procured by government.

4. The incubator of professional social elder care organization

Community neighborhoods

(including the elder family, neighbor, and other volunteer citizens )

The basic living unit for elder people.

The Volunteer participants for Community elder care Services

1. Provide basic space for the elders in a family unit.

2. Volunteer to participate in social elder care services.

3. Self-helper and helper of others in community elder care services

4. Social supervisor of service provided Society organizations