General Intervention strategies

Team Intervention Activities & Actions

Diagnostic role

The diagnostic method included observation of teamwork in context; individual and group discussions were conducted, and secondary data was obtained. This entry phase was important to gather and identify factual data about the history, and team practices related to their functional tasks and situational needs.

Facilitative role

The appreciative inquiry method included development sessions and feedback sessions in the analysis of different team members’ strengths using the appreciative inquiry model (focus more on what is working well within teams) rather than what is problematic.

Gatekeeping role

The coaching method involved feedback sessions that discussed team members’ abilities to address their developmental needs rather than relying only on consultant intervention recommendations. Workshops and training sessions and discussions were organized, and members shared stress challenges coming from organizational complexities.

Architectural role

The consultant discovered that the team demonstrated experiences of important levels of conflicts and tensions with top management. This role engagement demonstrated political complexity. The implication impacts of this are further discussed by the author in the finding section.

Mobilizing role

Team role awareness demonstrated team members’ appreciation of their role tasks and skills at CDC. Using the mobilizing role, the consultant supported the team’s ability to manage (the internal pressure) of its work. Moreover, helping the team manage (the outside pressure) related to the architectural dynamics was also beyond the consultant intervention role. This complexity is discussed in the finding section of this article.