№ | Species and conservation status | Residence status | Date of records and/or abundance trend Trend corresponds to residence status |
1 | Pelecanus onocrotalus―Great White Pelican *** R, D | P | ОF |
2 | Pelecanus crispus―Dalmatian Pelican * R, D | P, IW | О + 1, OF |
3 | Phalacrocorax pygmaeus―Pygmy Cormorant ** R, D | Ø, P, W | LF, М-1, О-1 |
4 | Bubulcus ibis―Cattle Egret R, D | P | L + 1 |
5 | Platalea leucorodia―Eurasian Spoonbill ** R, D | P | L + 1 |
6 | Plegadis falcinellus―Glossy Ibis *** R,D | P | О-1 |
7 | Ciconia ciconia―White Stork ** D | IP | 8 ind. 04.10.1995; 8 ind. 23.10.1998; 4 ind. 08.05.2009 |
8 | Phoenicopterus roseus―Greater Flamingo R, D | P | LF |
9 | Rufibrenta ruficollis―Red-breasted Goose R, D | IP, Ө | 33 ind. 03.02.1997; 1 ind. 10.12.1998 |
10 | Anser erythropus―Lesser White-fronted Goose * R, D | IP | L-2 |
11 | Cygnus bewickii―Bewick’s Swan * R, D | ☼, IP, W | 4 ind. 03.03.1998; 25 ind. 05.02.1998; 18 ind. 20.01.2006 |
12 | Anas angustirostris―Marbled Teal * R, D | ☼, IP | 07.06.2001 a pair in Sulakskaya Lagoon |
13 | Aythya nyroca―Ferruginous Duck * R, D | ●, P, W | OF, O-1, L-1 |
14 | Melanitta fusca―Velvet Scoter *** R, D | IW | 12 ind. 29.12.1998; 2 ind. 06.01.1999; 1 ind. 11.01.999; 2 ind. 22.01.1999; 4 ind. 04.02.2005 |
15 | Oxyura leucocephala―White-headed Duck * R, D | ☼, IW | From 28.12.2002 to 08.01.2003 - 2 ind. |
16 | Pandion haliaetus―Osprey *** R, D | P | L-2 |
17 | Circus macrourus―Pallid Harrier *** R, D | P | LF |
18 | Accipiter brevipes―Levant Sparrowhawk ** R, D | IP | Re? |
19 | Buteo rufinus―Long-legged Buzzard *** R, D | ☼, S | 1 ind. 08.07.2005; 1 ind. 07.10.2005; 1 ind. 06.03.2008; 1 ind. 18.04.2008; 1 ind. 17.04.2010 |
20 | Hieraetus pennatus?Booted Eagle *** D | IP | UF |
21 | Aquila rapax―Tawny Eagle *** R, D | P | ReF |
22 | Aquila clanga―Spotted Eagle * R, D | IP | 10 ind. 19.05.2000; 2 ind. 23.03.2007 |
23 | Aquila pomarina―Lesser Spotted Eagle *** R, D | IP | 1 ind. 22.04.1997; 1 ind. 19.11.2004; 1 ind. 30.12.2009 |
24 | Aquila heliaca―Imperial Eagle * R, D | IP | 1 ind. 03.07.2004 г.; 1 ind. 12.12.2008 |
25 | Aquila chrysaetos―Golden Eagle *** R, D | IP | 2 ind. 21.11.1995 г.; 2 ind. 11.04.1997 |
26 | Haliaeetus albicilla―White-tailed Eagle *** R, D | P, W | L + 2, ОF |
27 | Falco cherrug―Saker *** R, D | P | 1 ind. 15.10.1998; 1 ind. 05.11.2004; 1 ind. 22.09.2005; 1 ind. 03.11.2006 |
28 | Falco peregrinus―Peregrine *** R, D | P, S | Reo, Reo |
29 | Falco naumanni―Lesser Kestrel * R, D | R, P | L + 1, L + 1 |
30 | Grus leucogeranus―Siberian Crane R, D | IP | 12 ind. 04.10.1995 |
31 | Anthropoides virgo―Demoiselle Crane R, D | P, S | O-1, L-1 |
32 | Porphyrio porphyrio―Grey-headed Swamphen *** R, D | R, WT | O-2, LF |
33 | Otis tarda―Great Bustard * R, D | IP | U-2 |
34 | Tetrax tetrax―Little Bustard ** R, D | P | O + 1 |
35 | Burhinus oedicnеmus?Eurasian Stone-curlew *** R, D | B, P | Lо, L-1 Since 2003 one pair has regularly nested at the shore of Sulakskaya Lagoon |
36 | Charadrius asiaticus―Caspian Plover *** R, D | IP | 2 ind. 07.04.1999; 4 ind. 21.09.2001; 3 ind. 04.09.2009 |
37 | Vanellus leucura―White-tailed Plover *** R, D | IP | 4 ind. 08.05.1998; 1 ind. 13.10.2005; 2 ind. 11.09.2009; 8 ind. 17.09.2009; 1 ind. 11.09.2009. |