20) Age of the mother

………………in years

21) Religion of the mother

1. Christian ( )

2. Muslim ( )

3. If any other specify ………………

22) Are you exposed in Sunlight

If answer is No skip question number 23,24 and 25

1. Yes ( ) 2. No ( )

tick appropriate response

23) If the answer for question 22 is yes, How many times a week?

1. less than 4 days in a week ( )

2. four days or more than for days in a week ( )

3. if any other duration specify ………………..

24) How long you spend on sun exposure?

1. Less than 30 minutes ( )

2. More than 30 minutes ( )

3. None ( )

25) How are you dressing during sun exposure

1. Undressing Arms, hand, legs and/or Face

2. Covering Arms, hand, legs and/or Face

3. IF any other means specify……………

26) Are you Vegetarian?

1. Yes ( ) 2. No ( )

27) Any history of maternal Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy or after delivery?

1. Yes ( ) 2.No ( )

28) HIV status of the mother?

1. Negative ( ) 2. Positive ( )