15) Are you expose your baby on Sunlight? If the answer in question 15 is No, skip question 16 ,17 and 18 | 1. Yes ( ) 2. No ( ) |
16) If the answer is Yes in question 15, How many days in a week you exposed your child on sunlight? | 1. less than 4 days in a week ( ) 2. four days or more than for days in a week ( ) 3. if any other duration specify ……………….. |
17) How long you spend expose your baby on sunlight | 1. Less than 30 minutes ( ) 2. More than 30 minutes ( ) 3. None ( ) |
18) How are you dressing your baby during sun exposure | 1. Undressing the whole body ( ) 2. Undressing Arms, hand, legs and/or Face( ) 3. Dressing whole body( ) 4. If any other specify ………………………. |
19) Seasonal of birth | 1. Rainy Season ( ) 2. Sunny/Dry Season ( ) |