Authors and Year

Selection Process


Number of girls per region

Number of girls (total)

Age of girls, years

Sociocultural characteristics

Nabirye et al., 20208

This study used a three-stage sampling procedure: the first stage was a random selection of 5 sub-counties of the 23 in the district; the second stage was a selection of 2 parishes from each sub-county to give a total of 10 parishes; in the third stage, a list of all villages from the selected parishes was used to randomly select the total of 56 villages. Then, interviews to seven adolescents 9 - 15 years, eligible for the HPV vaccine from each village, using the Village Health Team’s (VHT) guide, were made, taking only those who were residents of the selected villages in the district for at least 2 years.

Mbale (Uganda)



Range: 9 - 15

Mean: 11.8

(SD = 1.8)

75% of the girls lived in rural areas.

The caretakers of the adolescents were mostly married (73.5%) with half of them having attained up to primary level of education (50.1%) and 47.9% having an occupation as farmers.

Most of the respondents were of the Gishu tribe (71.3%) and more than two thirds were of Muslim faith (41.5%).

47.2% of the girls had three to four siblings and 37.8% had five and more siblings.

Most (71%) of the respondents lived approximately 1 km to 3 km from a health facility.

Kisaakye et al., 20189

This study used a three-stage sampling procedure: at the first stage, a random selection of 4 sub-counties was done out of the 13 in the district (i.e., 2 rural and 2 urban); at the second stage, a random selection of 2 parishes was made from each of the selected sub-counties. For each parish selected, villages were randomly selected proportionate to the number of villages the parish until the required number of villages was realised; at the third stage, a list of all households with 12 - 17-year-old adolescent girls was generated for each village. Households from this list were randomly selected until the required sample size was realised for the village. One adolescent was selected from each household.

Lira (Uganda)



Range: 12 - 17


(SD = 1.24)

Regarding age groups, 66.5% were between 12 and 14 years and 33.5% between 15 and 17 years.

In relation to religion, most of them were catholics (40.4%) and protestants (43.9%).

Most girls had both parents alive (79.8%) and lived with them (82.6%). 93.7% of participants were currently at school.

Concerning to their highest level of education, most girls had primary level (54.8%) or secondary ordinary level (43%).

53.5% lived in urban areas and 46.5% in rural areas.

Soi et al., 201810

For this study, the district was defined as the unit of analysis. There were only three district pilot sites and it was decided to collect data from all of them to ensure representation of distinct sociocultural and economic realities in Mozambique.

It was chosen to explore a periodic, school-based vaccine delivery model, on the premise that most of the target group, of girls aged 9 - 14 years, would be found in schools and thus they could be addressed.

Manhiça in Maputo


Mocímboa da Praia in Cabo Delgado


Not specified

Not specified

Range: 9 - 14

Each district represented a population with specific health and socioeconomic parameters.

While in Maputo and Manica, 85.1% and 84.1% of households had access to potable water, respectively, in Cabo Delgado, only 37.1% of households had access to it.

Regarding access to electricity, only 5.0% and 22% of households in Cabo Delgado and Manica, respectively, had it, unlike Maputo where the proportion was 60.3%.

In Maputo and in Manica, the proportion of girls aged 6 years or more who enrolled in primary schools was 64.7% and 63.5%, respectively; in Cabo Delgado, this proportion was 46.5%.

Concerning to contraceptive prevalence rate among women 15 - 49 years old, Maputo had 32.8%, Manica had 12.5% and Cabo Delgado had only 2.5%.