Before having smartphone

After having smartphone

II. About your lifestyle and physical condition

(4) How is your appetite?

1. Very good

2. Good

3. Average

4. Poor

1. Very good

2. Good

3. Average

4. Poor

(5) How has your weight changed since having your smartphone?

1. Increased by >10 kg per year or >3 kg per month.

2. Decreased by >10 kg per year or >3 kg per month

3. Changes (not applicable to 1 or 2)

4. No change

(6) Do you have constipation?

1. Severe

2. To some extent

3. A little

4. None

1. Severe

2. To some extent

3. A little

4. None

(7) Do you feel eyestrain?

1. Severe

2. To some extent

3. A little

4. None

1. Severe

2. To some extent

3. A little

4. None

(8) Did your eyesight become worse after having your smartphone?

1. Severe

2. To some extent

3. A little

4. None

(9) Does the smartphone use cause the symptoms on the right? (Multiple answers allowed)

1. Dizzy

2. Tinnitus

3. Nausea

4. Headache

5. Dry eyes