: Undeformed length (mm): 50.40 | : Original slope of stress-strain data obtained from gauge_1 (GPa) : Modified slope of stress-strain data obtained from gauge_1 (GPa) | 5.08 4.83 |
: Deformed length (mm): 50.31 | : Original slope of stress-strain data obtained from gauge_2 (GPa) : Modified slope of stress-strain data obtained from gauge_1 (GPa) | 7.01 6.66 |
: Undeformed thickness_1 (mm): 19.98 | : Orientation of stress-strain curve obtained from for gauge_1 : Modified orientation of stress-strain curve obtained from for gauge_1 | 78.87˚ 74.92˚ |
: Deformed thickness_1 (mm): 19.98 | : Orientation of the curve stress-strain curve obtained from gauge_2 : Modified orientation of stress-strain curve obtained from for gauge_1 | 81.877˚ 77.78˚ |
: Undeformed thickness_2 (mm): 20.30 | Applied maximum stress (MPa) and measured corresponding strain from gauge_1 | −37.01 −7.48E−3 |
: Deformed thickness_2 (mm): 20.31 | Applied maximum stress (MPa) and measured corresponding strain from gauge_2 | −40.79 −5.5E−3 |
Cross sectional area (mm2): 405.59 | | |
: Initial volume (mm3): 20.44 | | |
: Final volume (mm3): 20.41 | | |