Type G

Type H

Type E

Type F

Pupil G is a brilliant high school student who is always among the highest in class in all academic subjects.

Pupil G spends more time at home studying school subjects and doing homework than do most students.

Pupil G is not sports-minded and

does not participate in many athletic activities

at school.

Pupil H is a average high school student who receives fair

grades in all academic subjects.

Pupil H spends more time at home at home studying school subjects and doing homework than do most students.

Pupil H is not sports-minded and does not participate in many athletic activities at school.

Pupil E is a brilliant high school student who is always among the highest in class in all academic subjects.

Pupil E spends no more time at home studying school subjects and doing homework than do most students.

Pupil E is not sports-minded and does not participate in many athletic

activities at school.

Pupil F is a average high school student who receives fair grades in all academic subjects.

Pupil F spends no more time at home studying school subjects and doing homework than do most students.

Pupil F is not sports-minded and does not participate in many athletic

activities at school.

This type is most probably:

Boy ( )

Girl ( )

Either Boy or Girl ( )

Boy ( )

Girl ( )

Either Boy or Girl ( )

Boy ( )

Girl ( )

Either Boy or Girl ( )

Boy ( )

Girl ( )

Either Boy or Girl ( )

Select “Yes” or “No” for each descriptive phrase followed each type

of student with a mark of √









1. 爱好体育锻炼(like sports)

2. 志向很高(be high in aspirations)

3. 被老师喜欢(teacher’s favorite)

4. 思维敏捷清晰(quick-witted)



Type C

Type D

Type A

Type B

Pupil C is a brilliant high school student who is always among the highest in class in all academic subjects.

Pupil C spends no more time at home studying school subjects and doing homework than do most students.

Pupil C is sports-minded and

participates in many athletic activities at school.

Pupil D is a average high school student

who receives fair

grades in all academic subjects.

Pupil D spends more time at home at home studying school subjects and doing homework than do most students.

Pupil D is sports-minded and participates in many athletic activities at school.

Pupil A is a brilliant high school student who is always among the highest in class in

all academic subjects.

Pupil A spends more time at home at home studying school subjects and doing homework than do most students.

Pupil A is sports-minded and

participates in many athletic activities at school.

Pupil B is a average

high school student who receives fair

grades in all academic subjects.

Pupil B spends no more time at home studying school subjects and doing homework than do most students.

Pupil B is sports-minded and participates in many athletic activities at school.

This type is most probably:

Boy ( )

Girl ( )

Either Boy or Girl ( )

Boy ( )

Girl ( )

Either Boy or Girl ( )

Boy ( )

Girl ( )

Either Boy or Girl ( )

Boy ( )

Girl ( )

Either Boy or Girl ( )

Select “Yes” or “No” for each

descriptive phrase followed each type of student with a mark of √









1. 爱好体育锻炼(like sports)