
The participant is able to identify and connect events in the story when previewing the story.

(e.g., student is able to tell what is going on in the story by looking at the pictures)

Retelling: Sequence of Events

Participant is able to retell the important events of the story including beginning, middle, and end.

(e.g., student tells the story in sequential order)

Retelling: Details and Characters

The participant can refer to the actual characters in the story and important events.

(e.g., Tommy went to the park with Joseph)

Retelling: Vocabulary

Participant retells the story using the vocabulary used in the story.

(e.g., The big bad wolf huffed and puffed and blew the pig’s house down)

Retelling: Teacher Support

Participant can retell the story with little or no teacher support.

(e.g., student is able to tell the story without the teacher asking, “What happened next?” or “Tell me more?”)


Participant makes a high-level thinking inference about the story.

(e.g., “I liked how Tommy was a good friend…”)

Making Connections

Participant makes a thoughtful connection to the story

(e.g., “This story made me think of the time I went to the park with my friend…”)