Question A':

Τhe percentage of teachers’ satisfaction with the use (integration and implementation) of I.C.T. before and after COVID-19 (Table 1)

Question B':

Τhe percentage of teachers’ satisfaction with the educational success of I.C.T.s’ tools before and after COVID-19 (Table 2)

21.3% wanted to join e-course creation programs on e-learning platforms (Var22) versus 44% post-COVID-19

37.5% wanted to join e-course creation programs on e-learning platforms (Var22) versus 66% post-COVID-19

37.5% wished to acquire an e-course that would be adjusted to the needs of students (Var23) versus 36% post-COVID-19

52.5% wished to acquire an e-course that would be adjusted to the needs of students (Var23) versus 56% post-COVID-19

28.7% claimed that teaching is enhanced by the use of an e-learning platform (Var19) versus 34% post-COVID-19

42.5% claimed that teaching is enhanced by the use of an e-learning platform (Var19) versus 26% post-COVID-19