Question A':

Τhe percentage of teachers’ satisfaction with the use (integration and implementation) of I.C.T. before and after COVID-19 (Table 1)

Question B':

Τhe percentage of teachers’ satisfaction with the educational success of I.C.T.s’ tools before and after COVID-19 (Table 2)

7.5% used class organization and management tools (Additio, ClassDojo) (Var 16) versus 4% post-COVID-19

7.5% used class organization and management tools (Additio, ClassDojo) (Var 16) versus 4% post-COVID-19

13.8% systematically presented their educational material using I.C.T.s’ tools (Padlet, InsertLearning, Educreations) (Var15) versus 12% after COVID-19.

13.8% systematically presented their educational material using I.C.T.s’ tools (Padlet, InsertLearning, Educreations) (Var15) versus 16% after COVID-19

11% of teachers used student assessment tools (H5P, Kahoot, Quizlet, Hotpotatos) (Var14) versus 18% post-COVID-19

11.3% of teachers used student assessment tools (H5P, Kahoot, Quizlet, Hotpotatos) (Var14) versus 24% post-COVID-19

6.3% engaged in implementing tools to create interactive courses and build visuals and videos for the course (Tinklink, EDpuzzle) (Var18) versus 12% post-COVID-19

6.3% engaged in implementing tools to create interactive courses and build visuals and videos for the course (Tinklink, EDpuzzle) (Var18) versus 14% post-COVID-19

12.5% took advantage of digital learning environments (Var17) versus 4% post-COVID-19

13% took advantage of digital learning environments (Var17) versus 8% post-COVID-19