Question A':

Τhe percentage of teachers’ satisfaction with the use (integration and implementation) of I.C.T. before and after COVID-19 (Table 1)

Question B':

Τhe percentage of teachers’ satisfaction with the educational success of I.C.T.s’ tools before and after COVID-19 (Table 2)

43.8% were aware of wikis (Var05) versus 38% after COVID-19, (p < 0.001)

51.2% were aware of wikis (Var05) versus 56% after COVID-19, (p < 0.001)

30% constructed concept maps (Var07) versus 34% post-COVID-19, (p < 0.001)

32.5% constructed concept maps (Var07) versus 44% post-COVID-19, (p < 0.001)

21.3% gained knowledge around Massive Open Online Courses (M.O.O.C.) (Var08) versus 28% post-COVID-19, (p < 0.001)

20% gained knowledge around Massive Open Online Courses (M.O.O.C.) (Var08) versus 40% post-COVID-19, (p = 0.002)

12.5% engaged in Blog construction (Var12) versus 26% post-COVID-19, (p < 0.001)

13.8% engaged in Blog construction (Var12) versus 26% post-COVID-19, (p < 0.001)

41.3% have attended significant number of distance learning courses (Var8) versus 42%, (p < 0.001)

55% have attended significant number of distance learning courses (Var8) versus 62%, (p < 0.001)