

Program Base Info

Where is the program?

Who are the managers?

How much land and what type of ALUS projects are enrolled?

Number of producers enrolled?

Agriculture Base Info

Soil types and erodibility.

What types of agriculture are in the area and the environmental issues?

What are the natural ecosystems of the region and how has agriculture changed it?

Are there any other environmental impacts?

Program Development

How was the program developed and why?

Who were the main drivers for the program?

What professionals were used to develop the program?

How were farmers involved?

How was the project modified over the course of development?


What were the program goals?

How were they defined and by who?

Were they changed during the project and how?


What was the initial project budget?

What was the final budget?

Was there a difference and why?

What was the source of financial support?


How was the program developed?

How were ES selected?

Lessons Learned

What lessons were learned in the course of the project?

How did they affect the project?

Outside Critiques

Input from industry/government that has been documented.

Definition of the Responses to Problem

What problems is the program trying to address?

Where it/they resolved?

How/why not?

Were other problems solved?

Ancillary Use

Are the ALUS enrolled lands used in any way?

Recreational use?

Conservation use?

Unique Constraints

Were there any unique constraints?

How were they addressed?


How is the community served by the project?

Social impact, meaning?