Investigations: July 5, 2020

Findings With Reference Range

Hemoglobin (Hb)

9.8 gm/dl (11.0 - 16.0 gm/dl)

Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate (ESR)

50 mm in 1st hour

Total White blood cell (WBC) count

9800/cmm (4000 - 11,000/cmm)

Neutrophils (Differentials)

74% (40% - 75%)

Lymphocytes (Differnetials)

21% (20% - 50%)

Eosinophils (Differentials)

03% (02% - 09%)

Serum Creatinine

6.1 mg/dl (0.5 - 1.2 mg/dl)

Alanine Aminotransferse (ALT)

24 U/L (Up to 32 U/L)


139 mmol/l (135 - 145 mmol/l)


5.5 mmol/l (3.5 - 5.3 mmol/l)


106 mmol/l (98 - 107 mmol/l)

C reactive Protein (CRP)

10.4 mg/l (<8 mg/l)

Serum Ferritin

631 ng/ml (20 - 250 ng/ml)

Blood urea

61 mg/dl (10 - 50 mg/dl)