Situational Difference Identification

Situational Difference

Electronic Memory Game

Community/Business Area

Memory Game Players


Promote entertainment among those involved.


At each match, two to four Memory Game Players.

Plan/Business Process

The “Game of Memory”, in its essence, is a game of pieces (usually cards) that contains varied figures on one of its faces. Each figure is repeated into two cards. To start the game, shuffle the pieces and distribute them with the faces of the figures facedown, so that the players do not see them. Each player, one at a time, unlocks two pieces, so that all other players also see them and know which figures have been revealed by these pieces. If the figures revealed by these pieces are the same, the player who took them off collects them for themselves and continues to play. If the figures of these pieces are different, the player who revealed them again gets them in their respective places and the time to play is by another player, who will repeat the process in order to also find pieces with equal pairs of figures. This cycle repeats until there are no more pieces to be untapped. The player who manages to collect plus equal pieces wins the game.