

Means of Verification



1) Increase in the use of MSS services by women.

Increase in the number of women using MSS services from … in base year to …

Health facility records

Unavailability of equivalent alternative.


1) Prompt medical attention.

2) Reduction in adverse client outcome.

Reducing waiting/treatment time from … in base year to …

Reducing incidence of adverse client outcome from … in base year to …

Health facility records


1) Availability of midwives and support staff for services.

2) Adequate infrastructure.

3) Proper triaging.

4) Effective handling and disposal of clients.

Increase in the number midwives and support staff from … in base year to …

Increase in the satisfaction of midwives and support staff from … in base year to …

Reduction of adverse client outcome due to infrastructure inadequacy from …in base year to …

Triaging effectiveness improves from … in base year to …

Health facility records, satisfaction survey reports

Availability of technology, materials and resources for MSS. Efficient functioning of units like infection control, wards, pharmacy etc. Commitment of health facility management to excellence.


1) Develop policy for recruitment of midwives and other health providers.

2) Put in place system for fair salary structure, promotion and reward.

3) Improve working conditions.

4) Promote team work.

5) Put in place method for appropriate triaging.

6) Produce a list of related functions with other units that affect client handling and disposal, and improve these functions.

7) Provide efficient pre-health facility services.

8) Purchase and maintain emergency obstetric care equipment.

9) Inspect and maintain health facilities.

10) Develop communication infrastructure.


Budget documents

Availability of fund. Effective planning, execution and control of MSS activities. Clear policy on recruitment, promotion, salary structure and incentives for midwives and other health providers.