
Parity Match

All Cases


Parity Matcha

within Onea

(177 pairs)

(38 pairs)

(100 pairs)

(125 pairs)


OR: 95CLb, Coeff.c

OR: 95CL, Coeff.

OR: 95CL, Coeff.

OR: 95CL, Coeff.

Participant attributes

Shorter height (cm)

1.06: 1.02 - 1.12, 0.07

Tribe differed from control

2.44:0.90 - 6.61, 0.89d

Religion differed from husband

3.38: 1.50 - 7.58, 1.22

3.48: 1.12 - 10.8, 1.25

2.17:0.87 - 5.42, 0.78d

Delivery factors

More Km to delivery site

1.02: 1.01 - 1.02, 0.015

1.02: 1.00 - 1.05, 0.024

1.02:1.01 - 1.03, 0.02

1.02:1.01 - 1.02, 0.02

Village, not town, resident

5.52: 2.72 - 11.2, 1.71

50.0: 10.2 - 248.7, 3.92

10.0:3.07 - 32.7, 2.30

5.81:2.39 - 14.1, 1.76

Facility for lower patient acuity

3.72: 1.01 - 13.6, 1.31

Education/profession of either parent

Mother lower professional status

2.95: 1.53 - 5.72, −1.08

5.02: 1.63 - 15.5, 1.61

3.00:1.28 - 7.04, 1.10

Father lesser education level

6.31: 2.10 - 18.8, 1.84

3.91:1.62 - 9.44, 1.36

Other markers of socioeconomic status

Thatch rather than metal roof

5.62:1.31 - 24.1, 1.73

r2 for linear regression of variablese



