
Smart application


Predictive policing. Real-time crime mapping. Gunshot detection. Smart surveillance. Emergency response optimization. Body-worn cameras. Disaster early-warning systems. Personal alert applications. Home security systems. Data-driven building inspections. Crowd management.


Telemedicine. Remote patient monitoring. Lifestyle wearables. First aid alerts. Real-time air quality information. Infectious disease surveillance. Data-based public health interventions. Maternal and child health. Data-based public health interventions. Sanitation and hygiene. Online care search and scheduling. Integrated patient flow management systems.


Building automation systems. Home energy automation systems. Home energy consumption tracking. Smart streetlights. Dynamic electricity pricing. Distribution automation systems.


Water consumption tracking. Leakage detection and control. Smart irrigation. Water quality monitoring.


Digital tracking and payment for waste disposal. Optimization of waste collection routes.


Real-time public transit information. Digital public transit payment. Autonomous vehicles. Predictive maintenance of transportation infrastructure. Intelligent traffic signals. Congestion pricing. Demand-based microtransit. Smart parking. E-hailing (private and pooled). Car sharing. Bike sharing. Integrated multimodal information. Real-time road navigation. Parcel load pooling. Smart parcel lockers.

Economic development and housing:

Digital business licensing and permitting. Digital business tax filing. Online retraining programs. Personalized education. Local e-career centers. Digital land-use and building permitting. Open cadastral database. Peer-to-peer accommodation platforms.

Engagement and community:

Local civic engagement applications. Local connection platforms Digital citizen services.