

Development target

Green and health impact


% Informal settlements to total housing.

Zero informal settlements: i.e. 100% eradication.

Reduction in insanitary living conditions.

% Accessible green spaces to total land-use.

15% accessible green space.

Increased access to parks and exercise.


% of buildings in accordance with an approved town plan.

100% current town plans and buildings in conformity.

Approved town plan reduces wasted space and increases public transport.

% of buildings that receive official building consents.

100% construction approved through official building consents.

Green building codes enforce healthy building measures.


% population access to public transport.

100% access for those who need it, within 500 metres of home.

Reduction in solo transport/energy use.

% of roads congested compared to free-flow.

100% free flow on all main and distributor roads.

Reduced pollution caused by idling engines


% population with access to electricity.

100% access to uninterrupted electricity.

Reduction in fossil-fuel burning.

% of energy classified as “clean”.

100% energy provision as “clean”.

Reduction in energy-sapping delivery.


% population with access to potable water.

100% access to potable water within 200 metres of home.

Reduction in water-borne diseases; cholera.

% water leakage in the system.

Zero % leakage in the system.

Reduction in energy wasted.


% population with modern sanitation.

All homes have access to hygienic toilet facilities.

Reduction in pit latrines and leaching.


% population served by waste management.

100% served by waste management collection, within 100 metres of home.

Reduction in insanitary waste dumping.

% of waste reused, recycled

90% of waste reused, recycled-“valorised”

Reduction in polluting land-fills.

Air quality

Air quality measured to UN standards

100% achieved to UN standards

Reduction in respiratory diseases.


% of urban households and enterprises connected.

Full penetration of high-fibre connection, at least to 4G and ideally 5G.

Reduction in physical movement; less transport and less pollution.

Cell phones

% urban households and enterprises connected

Full penetration of cell-phone availability.

Responsive negative data; smart city idea.

Town planning

Current town plan with regular (quinquennial) reviews.

Community, business and government supported green town plan.

Green efficient allocation of land.

Integrated development strategy (IDS)

5-year strategy embracing “all the players in the city building process”— community, business, MDAs.

Community, business and government supported green IDS.

Green, efficient capital investment.

Urban management

Annual reports and budgets, covering last year’s performance, this year’s progress and next year’s projects and budgets.

Community and government supported

Green efficient annual performance (output-based) budgeting.