Functions of PMO



Strategic Driver

PMO adds value by delivering tangible benefits to the organization, such as improved project outcomes, enhanced decision-making through data-driven insights, increased stakeholder satisfaction, and greater organizational agility.

Mohite et al. (2024) ; Meléndrez et al. (2021) ; Cahyadi and Firman (2020)

Governance Management

PMO undertaking governance management for a particular project or programs where procedure, policies, agreements and written commitments has to be adhered to.

Pasian and Williams (2023) ; Fayadh (2020)

Performance Enabler

A role that has to lead project evaluations, review and standardize processes, managing transformation and innovative projects, build trust and mutual understanding, provide administrative support, and achieve customer satisfaction and employee efficiency.

Pérez Rave et al. (2023) ; Sergeeva and Ali (2020)

Knowledge Management

PMO acts as a knowledge management, a function to embrace learning, information processing, knowledge and information storage, and exchange process within the organization.

Tijani et al. (2024) ; Salwan et al. (2023) ; Mathew et al. (2023)