Variables | Definition |
INEW | New Investment |
Growth | Growth rate of sales, proxy for investment opportunity |
Cash | Balance of cash and short term investments deflated by total assets measured at the start of the year |
Age | The log of the number of years the firm has been established |
Size | The log of total assets measured at the start of the year |
Stock Returns | The stock returns for the year prior to the investment year. It is measured as the change in market value of the firm over that prior year |
Year Indicators | A vector of indicator variables to capture annual fixed effects |
Industry Indicators | A vector of indicator variable to capture industry fixed effects. |
| An estimate of over-investment |
FCF | Free cash flow, cash flow beyond that necessary to maintain assets in place |
Tenure | CEO’s tenure, indicator variables, 1 indicates CEO’s tenure is more than 3 years, 0 less than 3 years |