Characteristics | 4G | 5G | Importance of 5G’s enhanced features over 4G in telemedicine | References |
Data rate (Gbps) | Up to 1 | Up to 20 | High data rate ensures data from the monitors and other IoT devices/wearables is transferred at a rapid speed, allowing for prompt notifications when medical intervention is required. | [8] [9] [10] [11] |
Latency (ms) (Control/User plane) | 100/10 | 50/1 | Low latency ensures a stable and consistent connection, reducing connection loss, and lags. This is especially important in telemedicine as many IoT devices/wearables rely on real-time applications or live streaming. | [8] [9] |
Device density (K/km2) | 100 | 1000 | This 5G superiority ensures mass medical outreach to citizens during any pandemic e.g., COVID-19. | [8] |
Spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz) | Up to 6 | Up to 30 | The high spectral efficiency of 5G networks is critical in telemedicine. Spectrally efficient network allows large data to be packed in a small bandwidth. Thus, real-time videos/holograms are essential and would facilitate the success of telemedicine. | [10] [11] |
Mobility (Km/h) | Up to 350 | Up to 500 | With the support of high mobility in 5G, healthcare systems may be accessed from a larger range of locations, and telemedicine services can be provided even in high-speed scenarios, such as trains, metros, and the like. | [10] [11] |
Energy efficiency (µJ per 100 bits) | 100 | 0.1 | Energy efficiency is crucial for the lifespan of IoT or telemedicine nodes. Most medical implants are expected to last for decades before battery replacement. The 6G networks may provide even much better energy efficiency. | [9] [10] |