1 | Smart Grid is Intelligent Grid comprises of user interactive system. | Electric power distribution is made possible by the power distribution grid, a system that allows electricity to be transferred from point of generation to our homes. |
2 | It is two way communication that can network one or more parts of smart grid via secure, high speed, high bandwidth Connections. | It is one way communication that can network only one part of the grid i.e. utility and its customers. |
3 | More efficient transmission of electricity With the help of sensing devices. | Less efficient transmission of electricity, no sensors are there in the grid. |
4 | Smart Grid Involves Automation. | Manual Intervention Required. |
5 | It will reduce operations and management costs for utilities ,and ultimately lower Power cost for domestic and industrial consumer leading to transparency in a system. | In this we have large number of operations so management cost is also high and that ultimately increase the power costs for consumers and increases a gap with Energy Generation and consumption leading to non efficient system with improper sustainable indices. |
6 | A smarter grid are prepared to address emergencies such as storm, earthquakes and its two way interactive capacity allow Rerouting when equipments fail. | Environment issues can lead to series of failures that can affect banking, traffic and all other electric equipments. |
7 | Energy Scheduling. | Losses High due to Sudden Contingencies. |
8 | Smart grid will take greater advantage of customer-owned power generators to produce Power when it is not available from utilities. | Power can only be generated from utilities not by customers and if utilities have some fault then customer will face problems. |
9 | It will help customers to save money by managing the electricity use and customers Can purchase electricity when they need. | Customers have constant supply to use they can’t purchase only when they need so we have to pay more. |