1 | Computerizing the Electrical Grid | Smart grid is a two way communication so we need to add up two ways channel to the devices connected to the grid. |
2 | Electric Meters | Advance meters are to be used like AMU (Advance Monitoring Unit) which can store data that how much power is consumed and how much is generated and supplied to other users. |
3 | Automation Technology | In normal grid if any fault arises it is very difficult to assess the point but in smart grid, fault assessment is easy. |
4 | Automatically repairing of fault without supply interruption | In normal grid if any fault arises, person is send to repair the fault but in case of smart grid if any fault arises in the line that will be automatically repaired |
5 | Load Information | ATC (Available Transfer Capability) can be assessed |
6 | Energy Flow | Transmission and distribution of next generation will be able to handle bidirectional energy flow, which allows distributed generation |
7 | More use of renewable resources | Distributed Generation can be emphasized |
8 | Advanced Services | Smart Grid is an decisive Grid with autonomous use of resources |