


Number of nodes in swarm


Number of communication identifiers in use

n comm

Number of nodes within communication radius

r comm

Communication radius of nodes

G ( V , E )

Graph with reconstructed nodes indicating positions as vertex V and distance between nodes as edges E

i , j

Unique (hardware) identification number (UID) of nodes i and j, other letters are also used to indicate other nodes. An additional bar in the indication stresses these are the true values (opposed to measured or hypothesised)

CID ( i )

Communication identification number (CID) used by node i

d i , j

Distance between node i and node j. Additional bars in the indication stress that these are true values (opposed to measured of hypothesised).

s i

Position of node i


Consistency function used for associating measured distances from two nodes into a mutual connection

ϵ r

Threshold value for maximum allowed distance deviation in consistency condition C

h i , j

Set of hypothesised distances between node i and j


Number of additional identity ambiguities


Number of additional distance ambiguities

a A , b B , c C

Individual nodes (small letter) in a set of nodes (capital) selected based on some criteria in reconstruction algorithm

Q , Q ( b )

Cliques in already reconstructed graph

X , Y , Z

Recall percentages of nodes that have been reconstructed; Y and Z have an additional condition on the accuracy of the reconstruction

E abs , E glob , E loc

Error metrics of a reconstruction indicating the mean absolute squared error of the reconstructed positions

E rel

Error metric of a reconstruction indicating the relative error of the reconstructed distances


Different noise parameters of distance measurements, expressed in percentages. Index indicates type of noise.