Hello! Thank you for reaching out to our customer service department today. My name is Karen, and I’ll be happy to assist you with your inquiry. Can you please provide me with your account information so we can look into this matter?

USER: Yes, hi Karen! My name is Andrew Thomas. My address is 55901 Taylor Hill Road in Port Maria, MD. My phone number is +12025550187, and my email is jonathan.alvarado@gmail.com. Can you please tell me what this billing issue is regarding?

ASSISTANT: Thank you for providing all of that information, Andrew. Let me just pull up your account. (pauses) Okay, it looks like there was a miscommunication with our billing department regarding your recent purchase. It looks like we charged you twice for the same item. Can you please confirm that this is correct?

USER: Oh my goodness! Yes, that’s exactly what happened. I received two separate charges for the same item on March 30th. One for $129.99 and the other for $150. I didn’t realize that there was a problem until today. Can you please cancel one of those charges so I can receive a refund?

ASSISTANT: Absolutely, Andrew. Let me go ahead and process that cancellation. (pauses) Okay, I have taken care of the issue. You should see the refund within the next 3-5 business days. In the meantime, would you like anything else assistance with this purchase?

USER: Nope! That’s all taken care of now. Thank you so much for your help, Karen! You’ve been a great help throughout this whole process. Have a wonderful day!