Precondition—(1) Delete the pole of < MessageBox (“Testing output.”); > in the front of member function of < BOOL CMainView::CBatchRestoringInspectionData() >, (2) the inspection process item “Division of machining and cutting - CM_Digital inspection apparatus of depth_Pillar - Thickness 10(-0.10 0)” has existed in monitoring category and its three inspection data—“2019_09_28 InSpDaVa1_1 3, 2019_09_29 InSpDaVa1_1 3, 2019_09_30 InSpDaVa1_1 3” has been just deleted.



Expected output


In the category of main window interface, click the item “Division of machining and cutting - CM_Digital inspection apparatus of depth_Pillar - Thickness 10(-0.10 0)”, and click the menu item “Batch restoring of inspection data” using the right key of mouse, start the restoring.

Three batches of inspection dat—“2019_09_28 InSpDaVa1_1 3, 2019_09_29 InSpDaVa1_1 3, 2019_09_30 InSpDaVa1_1 3” can be correctly restored.