Precondition—(a) Delete the pole of < MessageBox (“Testing output.”); > at the beginning of member function of < BOOL CDivisionDIALOG::OnInitDialog() >. (b) “TUMC_MC-Division of machining and cutting” and “TUMC_AS-Division of assembly” do not exist in the monitoring category, but two items have been input and saved from the “Division and department” sheet unit.



Expected output


Using the authority of system user, from the toolbar item “Division” of main window interface, start the “Division and department” sheet, choose the recorder of “TUMC_MC-Division of machining and cutting” in the list and display all data in below input controls, and click the button “Add to monitoring category” finally.

Prompt the information of finished adding, and can find this added item in monitoring category.


Using the authority of system user, from the toolbar item “Division” of main window interface, start the “Division and department” sheet, choose the recorder of “TUMC_AS-Division of assembly” in the list and display all data in below input controls, and click the button “Add to monitoring category” finally.

Prompt the information of finished adding, and can find this added item in monitoring category.