ID: Requirement | Requirement Description |
NFR001: Security | The application should define a way for confidential access for example using usernames and passwords. The application must ensure privacy and compliance with regulations on patients’ data sharing. The application should be secure from various security challenges such as hacking, denial of service, etc. |
NFR002: Scalability | The application must be able to provide services to at least 1000 users concurrently. |
NFR003: Privacy | The application must be able to ensure privacy of user information. The application must provide for protection of user information such that only the intended recipients may access user information. |
NFR004: Robustness | In the case of user changing a device or device malfunction, the user must be able to obtain their history of created contents such as chat history, reminders, etc. |
NFR005: Performance | Application must be lightweight and must allow delivering messages instantly |
NFR006: Operability | The mobile application shall support Android OS version 4.0 (API 14) and above. The web application shall be written using PHP Programming language. The web application shall interface with MySQL database and shall be able to connect to external HMIS database. |