Serial number | Feature words (frequency) | Part of the speech | Serial number | Feature words (frequency) | Part of the speech |
1 | 大哥(327) | Nouns | 17 | 漂亮(71) | adjective |
2 | 好看(287) | adjective | 18 | 羡慕(68) | adjective |
3 | 加油(268) | Verbs | 19 | 抱歉(68) | adjective |
4 | 武汉(217) | Nouns | 20 | 老师(64) | Nouns |
5 | 旅行(216) | Nouns | 21 | 夏天(61) | Nouns |
6 | 恰饭(203) | adjective | 22 | 好好(59) | adjective |
7 | 哈尼(195) | Nouns | 23 | 开心(57) | adjective |
8 | 可爱(174) | adjective | 24 | 上岸(57) | Verbs |
9 | 爱了(130) | adjective | 25 | 尖叫(55) | Verbs |
10 | 妈妈(113) | Nouns | 26 | 茉莉(53) | Nouns |
11 | 欢乐谷(111) | Nouns | 27 | 刺激(52) | adjective |
12 | 三连(102) | Verbs | 28 | 腹肌(51) | Nouns |
13 | 好吃(75) | Verbs | 29 | 时尚(50) | adjective |
14 | 猝不及防(75) | adjective | 30 | 广告(50) | Nouns |
15 | 老婆(72) | Nouns | 31 | 好玩(50) | adjective |
16 | 健身(71) | Nouns | 32 | 云南(50) | Nouns |