Green tourism product concept

Asian visitors

Non-Asian visitors




· Environmental mindset

· Trendy concept

· Background and experiences

· Policy and regulation implemented by the government

· Health and longevity

· Trendy concept

· Individual values

· Lifestyle symbol


· Education

· Peers effect

· Nature will effect human attitudes; Materialism society pays less attention to green approach

· Developed countries are more concerned about green concepts

· Developing countries are unaware of green concepts

· Attention induces attitude

· Knowledge elicits awareness

· Technological influences lead to attention

· Education

· Personal attitudes and beliefs

· Attention to the planet

· Eco concept yields green concepts

· Social media promotes green concepts

· Culture affects vision

· Countries adopt green attitudes

· Developed countries are more concerned about green concept than developing countries are

· Developing countries are not aware of green concepts

· Pricing and quality

· Different segments mean different attitudes

· Willingness to pay

· Asians look for quantity, whereas non-Asians look for sustainability

Green purchase behaviour

· Religious conviction leads to buying behaviour

· Culture effect to purchasing decision

· Focus on pricing

· Asians have low level of attention

· China’s attention to green concepts is limited to governmental promotion

· Effectiveness of government regulation

· Conceptually based

· Different interests, values and action

· Asians are passive; non-Asians are active

· Chinese was a late comers in their attitude towards this behaviour, whilst non-Asians are early adopters

· Norms and habits

· Social and disposable income

· Environmental commitment

· Asians are not concerned, whereas non-Asians take action

· Non-Asians prefer attention to authenticity and quality

· Asians focus on profit making

· Non-Asians focus on industrial development

· Asians catch up late, whereas non-Asians are well developed

· Optional behaviour

· More visible action is observed among non-Asians than among Asians

· More popular in the non-Asian context than in the Asian context

· Ethics lead to behaviour

· Non-Asians have stronger attitudes towards green concepts that Asians