Variable | Statement | Loading | Alpha |
BI1 | Assuming I have access to electronic government service, I intend to use this service. | 0.739 |
BI2 | Given that I have access to electronic government services, I predict that I would use it. | 0.717 | 0.85 |
BI3 | It is likely that I will transact with the electronic government in the near future. | 0.846 |
PEOU1 | Transacting with electronic government services does not require any special equipment. | 0.690 |
PEOU3 | Transacting with electronic government services does not require an IT Experience. | 0.702 | 0.88 |
PEOU4 | It would be easy for anyone to interact with electronic government services. | 0.796 |
PU1 | Transacting with electronic government service will improve the quality of service I receive from government. | 0.747 |
PU2 | Transacting with electronic government service will help me do the job faster. | 0.745 | 0.90 |
PU4 | Transacting with electronic government services will help me to benefit from government services from any location. | 0.771 |
TIG1 | I believe the technologies the government uses to provide their services are reliable all the time. | 0.684 |
TIG2 | Overall, I have confidence in the technology used by the government to operate their services through the Internet. | 0.793 | 0.89 |
TIG3 | The government has the ability to reliable process transactions made over the Internet. | 0.836 |
TIG4 | The government have sufficient experience and resources to provide and maintain their services through the Internet. | 0.872 |
TIEC1 | In general, the internet is now a robust and safe environment in which to transact with government. | 0.752 |
TIEC2 | The internet has enough safeguard to make feel comfortable using it to interact with government online. | 0.753 | 0.75 |
TIEC5 | I believe the legal structure adequately protect us from problems on the Internet. | 0.617 |
PR1 | Overall, I am concerned about experience some kind of loss if I transact with electronic government services. | 0.667 |
PR2 | All things considered, I think I would be making a mistake if I use the services that government provides through the Internet. | 0.809 |
PR3 | Transacting with government through the internet would pose problems for me that I just don’t need. | 0.827 | 0.89 |
PR4 | The decision of whether to transact with electronic government services can be characterise as a very high potential of loss. | 0.792 |
PR6 | The decision of whether to transact with electronic government services can be characterise as very significant risk. | 0.840 |