| Indicator | Definition | Calculation |
1 | Available blue water (m3) BA | The total amount of water available for a catchment area before any are satisfied. | Recording the available amount of water in cubic meter. |
2 | Total withdrawal (m3) | The total amount of water removed from fresh water sources for human use. | Recording the total amount of water in cubic meter. |
3 | Seasonal variability (SV) | Measures variation of water supply among months of the year. | Standard deviation divided by mean of total supply calculated using the monthly mean. |
4 | Flood occurrence (FO) | The number of recorded floods from 1985 to 2011. | Recording number of floods 1985-2011. |
5 | Drought severity (DS) | Measures the average length of drought times from 1901 to 2008. | Mean length × dryness. |
6 | Baseline water stress (BWS) | The total annual water withdrawal expressed as the percentage of the total annual available water. | Withdrawals divided by available flow (higher score indicate higher competition among user). |
7 | Weight physical risk quantity | The physical risk related to water quantity including indicator of availability and variability ( e.g. drought and floods). | Setting a specific weight for each quantity indicator based on its important and relevance. |