Condition to Check


If g(x) has one real root

f(x) may have one minimum at that point

If g(x) has three real roots

f(x) has two minimums and one maximum point

If α4 < 0

f(x) has real roots

If α4 = 0

f(x) has a real root at x = 0

If α4 > 0

f(x) may or may not have real roots

If g(x) has one real root repeated three times, and at that same point f(x) is also zero

that root is a real root of f(x) repeated four times

If g(x) has one real root and at that same point f(x) is also zero

that root is a repeated real root of f(x)

If f(x) is not zero or negative at any minimum point

the quartic equation has no real root

If g(x) has one real root and f(x) is zero or negative at the minimum point

f(x) has two real roots (or one repeated real root) and two complex conjugate roots

If g(x) has three real roots, and f(x) is negative at two minimum points and is not negative at the maximum point

all the roots of the quartic equation are real