Impact 1

Impact 2

Impact 3

Impact 4

206,000 companies shut-up

550,000 companies received some kind of support

1.2m employees received some kind of support

The deficit reached 7.2% of GDP or ?12b in 2019; Debt: 209% of GDP or ?40b (+9b) (in 2020 est.)!

Impact 5

Impact 6

Impact 7

Impact 8

Growth of GDP: ~?63b (est. in 2020; $189b) from ?90b in 2019! Minus ?7b

~?2b less turnover by companies; minus 20% of retailing business (-?.1b); minus ~38% of restaurants’ etc. turnover (-?.1b)

Internet sales +165%- the only positive!

4 out of 5 hotels of continuous operations, remained closed; turnover ?.8b from ?.4b (minus ?.6b)