




How’s the current state of my own finances?

E.g. loans, financial liabilities, budget, savings, assets etc.

Based on my goals, how are my current finances, savings, investment plans performing in terms of returns, bonuses and interests?

How’s my current state of financial knowledge and ability to invest, save, buy and do financial planning for myself.

How is my current time length before I get my financial returns and dividends?


How’s my current financial commitment towards my domestic budget and other related family expenditures monthly.

How’s my current health state of my family members e.g. disabilities, medical conditions, psychological, behavioural and general wellbeing.

How’s my current commitment to my family as a child, parent,

Spouse, caregiver, guardian etc.

How is the quality of time spent with my loved ones?


How’s my current commitment towards saving money for the future/intended studies, retirement and other plans needing budget for myself?

How’s my current state of my own health, motivation, mental well-being to any existing medical condition needing long term management?

In planning for my future, how am I in meeting certain skill, ability, knowledge, academic papers, life or work experiences in preparation for my expected future?

How do I feel about the time needed to reach my goals?


How’s my current state of

Financial commitment towards health insurances, budget for gym membership, supplements & health products to emotional wellbeing programs?

How’s my current health?

No prior medical health issues warranting medical visits and medication

Here my ability in managing my physical and emotional well-being?

How’s my current state of time devoted to physical training and/or emotional well-being exercises as well.