Words and Phrases | frequency |
transition, complex, versus, lack, bond, gain, contradict, at least, abandoned, disaster, billion, locate, commercial, revolution, thanks to, item, peak, flood, wage, talent, a wealth of, landscape, sacrifice, venture, inspire, deal with, feat, combine, shift, firm, determination, fulfillment, climate, fuel, philosophy, artificial intelligence, conquer, accomplish, emission, carbon, civilization, restoration, practical | 1 |
pursue, thrive, upcoming, calm, mostly, ecosystem, schedule, sharp (sharpen), creative, wave, core, release, trend, corporate, achievement, generate | 2 |
impact, ambitious (aim), mobile (automobile) | 3 |
potential, consumer, conservation, management, explore (explorer), vision (envision) | 4 |
adjust (adjustment), limit, rural, focus, humanity, link, efficient (efficiency) competitive (competition), ecological (ecology), sustainable (sustain) pollutant (pollution/pollute) | 5 |
hail, province (provincial) | 6 |
researcher (research), contribute to (contribution), dive (diving), | 7 |
emphasize (emphasis), generally (general) | 8 |
innovation, expert, security (secure, cybersecurity) capability (capacity) | 9 |
digital, combat | 10 |
transform, consumption | 13 |
regional (region) | 15 |
promote, | 17 |
cooperation | 18 |
global (globally), poverty | 21 |
environmental (environment) | 24 |
tech/technology | 25 |
nation | 47 |