Organic [17]

EQE of 1.52 × 105%, responsivity of 936.05 A/W at a bias of 10 V, rise time of 162 μs, fall time of 7.9 ms, bandwidth of 0.5 MHz, detectivity of 1014 Jones, and LDR of 110 dB

Se/n-Si Heterojunctions [18]

Responsivity of 37.4 mA/W, rise time of 235 μs, fall time of 1.74 ms, detectivity of 1011 Jones, and LDR of 72.6 dB

Graphene plasmonic [19]

Responsivity of 360 A/W, EQE of 29%, and bandwidth of greater than 110 GHz at a bias of 2.2 V

Terpolymers photodiodes [20]

Responsivity of 22.7 A/W, EQE of 8038%, and LDR of >100 dB at a bias of 2 V

Detectivity of 3.6 × 1013 Jones at a bias of 0.5 V

Sn-rich perovskites [21]

Responsivity of 0.1 A/W, detectivity of 1012 Jones, LDR of 110 dB, and bandwidth of 1 MHz at 350 nm wavelength