Research questions

Objective of the questions




How might we define transnational youth migration?

Get the definition of transnational migration of youth.

Nigerian youth

Youth of European descent


What socio-political or economic factors influence youth decision to migrate?

Establish factors influencing youth migration

Nigerian youth migrants

European migrant youth


How and what legal barriers did youth migrants encounter at the Malta port of entry?

Identify elements of border surveillance and social interrogation.

Nigerian migrant youth/European migrant youth

structured interview


What perceptions of Nigerian immigrant youth do Maltese hold against their continued settling in Malta?

Find out the opinions of Maltese against Nigerian immigrant youth.

Nigerian migrant youth

Unstructured interview


How do Maltese perceive non-citizens living among them?

Find out the opinions of Maltese on immigrants generally. This shapes public opinion and immigration policies

Nigerian migrant youth/European migrant youth

Structured interview


What are the attitudes of Maltese authorities (immigration personnel and police) to immigrant youth?

Understanding how Maltese authorities react to discourage or encourage immigrants youths to settle in Malta

Migrant Nigerian youth/European migrant youth

Structured interview


What are the economic, social and political constraints faced by immigrant youth in settling in Malta?

Find out the structures of repression constraining migrant youth in host nations.

Nigerian migrant youth/European migrant youth

Unstructured interview


What efforts do immigrant youth apply to navigate around perceived barriers posed by social, political and economic systems in Malta, such as accessing resources?

This question seeks to establish how migrant youth resist subjugation and the skill they use to re-establish their humanity and survival.

Nigerian migrant youth/European migrant youth

Structured interview


How does Western education equip migrants to survive in Malta socio-economic spaces?

Find out how Western (colonial) education acquired in Nigeria equip

Nigerian migrant youth to find employment in Malta.

Nigerian migrant youth

European Migrant youth


Given every opportunity, would migrant youth prefer to return to their countries of origin?

Find out if migrant youth are in deadlock and would prefer to return home or

continue to stay in Malta.

Nigerian migrant youth/European migrant youth

Unstructured interview