Marital status | CGSS (2013) A69 | The marital status is divided into 2 categories: single (unmarried, cohabiting, divorced, widowed) and non single (first marriage with spouses, remarriage with spouses, separation without divorce), and a virtual variable (single = 1, non single = 0) is set up as a missing value. |
Religion | CGSS (2013) A5 | Religion can be divided into Buddhism, Taoism, folk belief, Muslim/Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, Orthodox Church, other Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and other 12 kinds of variables, have produced 11 virtual variables, which set the refusal answer to the missing value. |
Nation | CGSS (2013) A4 | The ethnic groups are divided into 7 categories: Han, Mongolian, Manchu, Hui, Tibetan, Zhuang and others. They produce 6 virtual variables, and refuse to answer as missing values. |
Physical and mental health | CGSS (2013) A17 | The degree of frustration that has been felt over the past four weeks is divided into 5 categories: always, often, sometimes, rarely, and never altogether, producing 4 virtual variables, which will be set up as virtual values. |
Health | CGSS (2013) A15 | The health level is divided into 5 categories, which are unhealthy, unhealthy, general, healthy and healthy. 4 virtual variables are produced, and the rejected answers are set to the missing values. |
Total household income for the whole year | CGSS(2010)A62 | The 1. 5% values of the upper and lower floating income and the lower income limit should be deleted to prevent the occurrence of outliers. The rejected answer is set to the missing value. |
Social trust | CGSS (2013) A33 | The question is: in general, do you agree that most people in this society can be trusted? The answers are divided into 5 categories: very disagreement, comparison, disagreement, agreement disagreement, comparative consent, and very agreement. 4 virtual variables are produced, and the rejection answer is set as a missing value. And assigns the ordinal variable 1-5 respectively. |
Social integrity | CGSS (2013) A34 | The question is: in general, do you agree or disagree with the fact that if you are careless in this society, others will try to take advantage of you? The answer is set to be very disagree, disagree, say not agree disagree, agree and agree altogether 5 kinds, produce 4 virtual variables, the setting of the refusal answer is the missing value. And assigns the ordinal variable 1-5 respectively. |
Social equity | CGSS(2013)A35 | The question is: in general, do you think today’s society is unfair? The answer is set to be totally unfair, unfair, not fair, but not unfair, fair, and totally fair in all 5 categories. 4 virtual variables are generated, and the refusal answers are set to the missing values, and the variable 1-5 is assigned respectively. |
Social characteristic variables |
China’s Statistical Yearbook (2013) of all provinces | Municipalities GDP | Take the per capita GDP of the provinces and cities of China to take the logarithm. |