Sectoral energy use: primary energy use by industry (in PJ) |
Energy productivity: GDP to primary energy use ratio (index) |
Share of renewable energy in total energy use (in%) |
Share of renewable energy in electricity consumption (in%) |
CO2 productivity: ratio of GDP to energy-induced CO2 emissions (index) |
Waste treatment: shares of main waste streams (in%) |
Recycling: share of material utilization in total waste (in%) |
Utilization of harmful substances: share of harmful substances treated (in%) |
Material productivity: ratio of GDP to domestic material consumption (DMC, non-energetic) (index) |
Water productivity: water intensity by industry (in m3/1000 euros of gross value added) |
Transport volume (passengers) (in passenger-kilometers) |
Transport volume (freight) (in tonne-kilometers) |
Modal split in passenger transport: breakdown of passenger transport volume by mode of transport based on passenger-kilometers (in%) |
Modal split in freight transportation: breakdown of freight transport volume by mode of transportation based on tonne-kilometers (in%) |
Organic farming: share of agricultural land farmed organically (in%) |
Share of integrated environmental protection in total environmental protection investment (in%) |
Diffusion of “green” management systems in companies: number of companies certified under EMAS and ISO 14,001 |